Ou sí ou non

Submitted by admin on Fri, 04/15/2022 - 12:27

Todos sabemos da ambiguidade do galego respecto a unha pregunta, Si ou non? Quizais. Pois esa ambiguidade é celta. Non tiñan unha resposta clara si ou non. Hai preguntas en matemáticas que non teñen unha resposta clara de si ou non. Non só depende do contexto. O teorema de Godel di que sempre poderemos, nun sistema axiomático adecuado, atopar proposicións indecidibles nesa axiomática. Nunca poderemos dicir desas proposicións que son verdadeiras ou falsas.

Hilbert opinaba que si, que sempre poderiamos etiquetar, nun sistema axiomático de verdadeira ou falsa calquera proposición.  Hilbert era alemán e non galego. Parece que a resposta celta ou galega quere indicar que "na axiomática que ti manexas", no contexto que tes, na túa weltanschaung eu digo que si ou non, e para iso repito a pregunta afirmando ou negando. Unha maneira moito máis empática de comprender e responder unha pregunta.

Veremos isto nun artigo en inglés de Quora

Welsh, for example, repeats the verb in the question rather than deploying a single yes or no word.


Ga i siocled? (May I have a chocolate)

Cewch. (You may)

Do all languages have words for "yes" and "no"?

Other answers and comments have noted how Celtic languages don't have «yes» or «no»: instead, their speakers repeat the verb in positive or negative form.

Here I just want to add that I love how Portuguese keeps remnants of the Celtic languages that were once spoken in the North, which is from where the whole Portuguese language spread, when it was still the same language as Galician in the Middle Ages, before replacing the Arab languages spoken in the South.

the celt they were confined to the top left (Northwestern) corner (also known as Galicia).

This gif shows the evolution of Portuguese since the Middle Ages:

While the Portuguese language has «sim» (yes) and «não» (no) like other Romance languages, for Portuguese speakers (at least in Portugal) a more natural answer consists of repeating the verb instead of just using «yes»:

Já comeste? (did you eat already), - Comi ([yes] I ate)

Compraste alguma coisa? (did you buy something?), - Comprei ([yes] I bought)

Tens vontade de ir? (are you willing to go? Literally: do you have the wish to go?), - Tenho ([yes] I have/own).

I didn't realise about this until I lived in Ireland and learned some basic Irish. The grammatical structure is the same, at least for positive answers (I replied this in another comment, but I think it was interesting here too).