Di a wikipedia que Ceán aparece nestes lugares:
O topónimo galego Ceán pode referirse a:
- Ceán, lugar da parroquia de Orto, no concello de Abegondo;
- O Ceán, lugar da parroquia de Cerqueda, no concello de Malpica de Bergantiños;
- O Ceán, lugar da parroquia de Nigrán, no concello de Nigrán;
- O Ceán, lugar da parroquia de Coruxo, no concello de Vigo;
- O Ceán, lugar da parroquia de Bamiro, no concello de Vimianzo;
- Tras do Ceán, lugar da parroquia de Carantoña, no concello de Vimianzo.
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O topónimo galego O Ceao pode referirse a:
- O Ceao, lugar da parroquia de Pías, no concello de Lugo;
- O Ceao, lugar da parroquia de San Vicenzo de Curtis, no concello de Vilasantar.
E o significado de ceann en celta é extensísimo:
ceann1, m. (gs. & npl. cinn, gpl. ~; npl. ~a & ds. cionn used in certain phrases).1. Head. (a)~ duine, ainmhí, human, animal, head. Do cheann a thógáil, a chromadh, to raise, bend, one’s head. Níl tógáil a chinn aige, he is utterly disgraced. Is mór an tógáil cinn dó é, it is a great uplift for him. Tá a cheann san aer, sa spéir, aige, he holds his head (high) in the air. Is gairid go mbuaile sé a cheann ar an spéir, he is growing remarkably tall. Leag do cheann ar an adhairt, lay your head on the pillow. Tá ~ faoi, ~ síos, air, he is downcast, ashamed. ~ faoi a chur ar dhuine, to humiliate s.o. Tá a cheann leis, he is free. Lig a cheann leis, let him go free. Tá a cheann is a chosa leis, he is unrestrained; he comes and goes as he pleases. Scaoil a cheann leis; lig ~ scaoilte leis, give him free rein. Tabhair a cheann don chapall, give the horse his head. Thug sé a cheann don chú, he slipped the greyhound. Thug sé a cheann leis, he saved himself, survived, escaped. S.a. cead11. ~ ar aghaidh, (i) headlong, (ii) on purpose. I ndiaidh, ar lorg, do chinn, head foremost. Ar bhior, ar mhullach, a chinn, on top of his head. Caitheadh isteach é idir cheann is chosa, he was thrown bodily in. Chomh cinnte is atá ~ ar do mhuineál, as sure as you are alive. Mura fíor é bain an ~ díomsa, you may take it from me that it is true. Chuir sé an flagún ar a cheann, he raised the flagon to his lips. Bain tarraingt do chinn as, take a good draught of it. ~ gruaige, head of hair. ~ bán, dubh, rua, liath, cas, (gruaige), fair, dark, red, grey, curly, head (of hair). Do cheann a chíoradh, a bhearradh, to comb, cut, one’s hair. (Of measurement) Tá an ~ aige orm, he is taller than me by a head. (Of coin) ~ nó cláirseach, head or harp, heads or tails, Cu:~ caorach, muice, sheep’s, pig’s, head. Ven:~ sionnaigh, mask. Arch:~ púca, gargoyle. S.a. ard12, cúl11(b), guth 1(a), mála 1(a), tochas 2. (b) (In reference to mind, intellect) Tá ~ maith air, (i) he has a good head, is clever, (ii) he is able to keep his head. Tá ~ fada air, he is far-seeing. Rinne sé (amach) as a cheann (féin) é, he did it out of his own head. Is fearr dhá chloigeann ná ~, (often facetiously) two heads are better than one. Beir ar cheann ort féin! Be sensible! Thug tú i mo cheann é, you reminded me of it. Tháinig sé i mo cheann, it occurred to me. Thóg sé (isteach) ina cheann é, he took it into his head, took the notion. Má chuireann sé ina cheann é, if he sets himself to it. Chuaigh sé ina cheann dó, sa cheann aige, (of drink) it went to his head; (of flattery, etc.) it turned his head. Ná lig as do cheann é, don’t let it out of your mind. D’imigh sé as mo cheann, it slipped my memory. Chaith mé as mo cheann é, I put it out of my head. Tá sé trí mo cheann, I am confused about it, I can’t recollect it. Tá sé ramhar sa cheann, he is thick-skulled. A ghiolla an chinn mhóir! You fat-head! ~ mór na céille bige, great head, little wit. ~ cipín, maide, máilléid, blockhead. ~ leitean, práisce, pudding-head. (c)(Of person)~ teaghlaigh, head of household. ~ airm, army commander. ~ foirne, chief-of-staff. ~ roinne, head of department. ~ comhairle, leader in council; Parl: Speaker. ~ treora, chief guide. ~ coimirce, chief protector. ~ ócáide, instigator. ~ maith mná, páistí, good husband, father. Tá sé ina cheann maith dóibh, he provides well for them, he is good to them. Pobal gan cheann, a people without a leader. S.a. feadhain, fine 2(a), urra 4(a).(d) (Of objects) ~ tairne, bioráin, head of nail, of pin. ~ casúir, tuairgnín, head of hammer, of pounder. ~ céachta, head of plough. ~ spúnóige, píopa, bowl of spoon, of pipe. ~ saighde, sleá, head of arrow, of spear. ~ scine, blade of knife. (e) (Of top) ~ staighre, mala, head of stairs, of incline. ~ boird, leapa, head of table, of bed. ~ abhann, locha, head of river, of lake. ~ ranga, head of class. Cards:Cad tá ar ~? What’s trumps? S.a. cárta11, cloch11(e).(f) Roof. ~ a chur ar theach, to roof a house. ~ slinne, tuí, slated, thatched, roof. Teach ceann tuí, thatched house. Tá sé sa cheann orm, he is down on me. (g) Front. ~ tionóil, sochraide, head of gathering, of funeral procession. ~ báid, bows of boat. Cábán cinn, forward cabin. Seol cinn, jib. Crann cinn, bowsprit. Cuir a ~ sa ghaoth, head her into the wind. Thug sé ~ chuige í, he hove to. Tá an bád ~ chuige, the boat is lying to. Gaoth chinn, head wind. An fear cinn, the bow(-oarsman). Giolla cinn eich, boy who leads a horse. (h)Dul chun cinn, advance, progress. Tá dul chun cinn ann, he is progressive. Chuir sé é féin chun cinn, he advanced himself. Ag brú chun cinn, pushing ahead. Tá siad (i bhfad) chun cinn orainn, they are (far) ahead of us. Is doiligh iad a thabhairt chun cinn, it is hard to bring them on. (Of abscess, crisis, etc.) Ag teacht chun cinn, coming to a head. (i)~ a thógáil do rud, to take notice of sth. Ná tóg ~ ar bith dó, pay no attention to him. Thóg siad ~corr dó, they taunted him, treated him as odd. Thóg sé ~ confach dúinn, he adopted a hostile attitude towards us. Thóg an eitinn ~ dó, he was attacked by tuberculosis. Thóg an gortú ~ arís dó, the hurt came against him again. (j)~ cait, long-eared owl. Moll:~ cosach, argonaut. Bot:~a dubha, knap-weed. Algae:~a slat, oarweed (Laminaria cloustoni). Ich:~ crua, blenny. S.a. craigirlín, cruachán 3. 2. End, extremity (a)~ téide, sreinge, end of rope, of wire. An ~ ramhar, caol, the thick, thin, end. Ar an g~ caol, is lú de, at the minimum, the very least. S.a. caol29. Ar an g~ amuigh de, at the very outside. Ar an g~ is faide, is sia, at the longest, latest. An ~ uachtarach, íochtarach, the upper, lower, end. An ~ ceart, contráilte, de rud, the right, wrong, end of sth. ~ an bhóthair, na sráide, the terminal point of the road, of the street. ~ na cistine, the end of the kitchen opposite the fire-place. Cinn fhearainn = cinnfhearann. Ó cheann (go) ~ na tíre, from one end of the country to the other. ~ tíre, headland, promontory. ~ cúrsa, scríbe, journey’s end. S.a. rian11, sprioc14. (Of person) Bhí a dhá cheann i dtalamh, he was bent low over his work, drudging. Bhí ~ síos, ~ suas, air, he was suffering from diarrhoea, from vomiting. S.a. goile 1. (b)~ géige, extremity of limb; tip of branch. ~ láimhe, hand (from wrist) ~ coise, foot (from ankle). ~ crúibe, pastern. (c) (Of time) Idir dhá cheann an lae, from morning till night. ~ de lá, once a day. Oíche chinn, cheann, féile, eve of festival. Lá cinn bhliana, last day of year. Oíche chinn an dá lá dhéag, Twelfth-night, eve of Epiphany. (d) (Figurative) An ~ a bhaint de scéal, to begin a story; to broach a subject. Bhain sé an ~ den chomhrá, he introduced the conversation. ~ a chur ar scéal, to conclude a story; to close a subject. ~ a chur ar an bPhaidrín, to start the Rosary. Tá dhá cheann ar an scéal, there are two sides to the story. Tar sa cheann seo de, consider it from this angle. Is mian leis dhá cheann an mhargaidh a bheith aige, he wants to have matters all his own way. Fuair sé an ~ is fearr orm, he gained the advantage over me. S.a. beim23, meá12. 3. One. (a) (Of things, animals) ~ amháin, aon cheann amháin (de na rudaí), one (of the things). ~ acu, one of them. Dá cheann eallaigh, two head of cattle. Aon cheann, ~ ar bith, acu, any one of them. An chéad cheann, the first one. An ~ seo, this one. An ~ mór, the big one. Mo cheann féin, my own (one). Do rogha ~, whichever one you choose. ~ sa lá, one a day. Punt an ~, a pound each. Má tá aon cheann agat, if you have any. Níl aon cheann le fáil, there are none to be had. ~ ar cheann, de réir ~ is ~, ina g~ is ina g~, one by one. Na catha ~ i g~, the successive battles. (b)(Var. pl)~a, some, a few. An bhfuil mórán acu ann? ~a. Are there many of them? Some. Níl fágtha ach ~a, there are only a few left. (c) (Usually disparagingly of persons) ~ mar é, one like him. An ~ dubh, the dark one. Nach é an ~ é! Isn’t he the queer one! Tá sé os cionn cinn, he thinks he is something. ~ a dhéanamh díot féin, to make a show of oneself.
ceann2 = cion1,2. ( cion1, m. (gs. ceana). 1. Love, affection. )
ceann-3, pref. 1. Chief, main. 2. -headed.
Con tantos significados posibles, e ainda que moitos deles non se apliquen ao celta galego (pero non sabemos cales si ou non) é dificil prognosticar cales son os signifcados reais dos ceán e ceao galegos. Sen embargo, temos que, se buscamos a raíz principal, esta é cabeza.
Cabeceira de comarca, cabezas de animais, cabezas humanas, lugar principal da zona, comarca, ou tribu; capital; alí cortaban cabezas? como os demais celtas do atlántico e os galos? Hai algunha historia relativa as guerras sanguinolentas cortando cabezas? Pois nin idea, non che sei, "the answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind". Senón lle preguntamos ao vento non imos saber a que cabezas se referían exactamente. Pero eran cabezas, dito en celta, mal que lles pese aos celtistas de Madrid e arredores que non teñen ningún ceann na zona.
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